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Зарегистрирован: 19 окт 2005 20:31


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В связи с некоторой активностью в стане этого ансамбля, думаю не лишним будет создать отдельную тему.



Эта легендарная команда, создавшая в свое время один из самых неординарных альбомов в жанре, в представлении нуждается - адский замес из дума, треша, деатха под ломанные ритмы и высокий чистый вокал. Второй альбом более традиционно-думовый, тем не менее и там есть что послушать.

Condemned (1991)
Изображение [youtube][/youtube]

Scott Jeffreys – vocals
Brian Shoaf – guitar
Ivan Colon (R.I.P.) – guitar
Cary Rowells – bass
Steve Shelton – drums

Unraveled (2005)
Изображение [youtube][/youtube]

Scott Jeffreys – vocals
Brian Shoaf – guitar
Shawn McCoy – guitar
Cary Rowells – bass
Steve Shelton – drums

Текущий состав:

Scott Jeffreys – vocals
Brian Shoaf – guitar
Chris Nolan – guitar
Cary Rowells – bass
Steve Shelton – drums

Hi gang - Here's some Confessor news.

Confessor is excited to announce that the band is back in action and we have been confirmed for the 2012 Maryland Deathfest next year. Rehearsals have already started and we hope to play a warm up show in Raleigh prior to the MDF appearance. We still have some limitations with Scott living and working in China but it looks like he will be able to spend some more time in the states next year.

Besides the appearance at MDF the band, in conjuction with reissue specialists Divebomb Records, are putting together a demo collection and archival DVD set entitled "Uncontrolled." This will be the first time that all three legendary Confessor demos are made available commercially. The DVD will contain archival footage collected by the band with additional material supplied by die-hard fans.

In additional to audio and video content, Jeff Wagner (author of MEAN DEVIATION: Four Decades of Progressive Heavy Metal) has contributed a brand new essay to go along with pictures the band has unearthed for the deluxe booklet. Release date for the set is undetermined at the moment, but Divebomb Records hopes to have it available by year's end.
Brian Shoaf

Новый проект с участием Стива Шелтона, Криса Нолана и Брайана Шоафа Far and Away: